Another awesome day at Metro 2 in Birmingham with these happy guys! Lunch at The Bright Star in Bessemer. Great friends, great food!
Having a blast at Metro 2 in Birmingham with some of the finest worship pastors on the planet! These guys are the real deal! Count it an honor to partner with all of them in ministry!
Proud of our awesome Celebration Concert Tours staff! Big official announcement tomorrow morning!

WHAT: 1st Annual Music City Carol Sing!
WHERE: Schermerhorn Symphony Hall in Nashville, TN.
WHEN: Sunday, December 15th, 2019
Rehearsal – 1:30pm – 4:00pm
Concert 1 – 5:00pm – 6:45pm
Concert 2 – 8:00pm – 9:45pm
WHO: A 750-voice choir made up of choirs and individuals from throughout Tennessee and neighboring states!
Arranged by Bradley Knight and conducted by Phil Barfoot and local Music Pastors, the mass choir will be accompanied by the world-renowned Nashville String Machine, a 30-piece professional orchestra featuring some of Nashville’s finest musicians!
Participation is FREE! This unique event promises to be a Nashville Christmas Tradition for years to come!
TO SING IN THE CHOIR, visit www.cctmusic.com/carolsing
See YOU in the choir!
Great news!! Celebration Concert Tours is hosting the with
David Phelps, Point of Grace, Travis Cottrell, TaRanda Greene, Cana’s Voice and the 300-Voice American Festival Choir at the Ryman Auditorium on Sunday, October 13th at 7:30 pm!
We would like to offer you a priority opportunity to claim $25 RESERVED SEATS (quantities limited) to this year’s great event at the legendary Ryman Auditorium in Music City.
If you wish to purchase RESERVED SEATS ($25 each) or VIP PACKAGES ($75 to $100 each), click the link below to purchase (https://ryman.com/events/music-city-celebration/).
Both the RESERVED TICKETS and the VIP TICKETS may be picked up at Will-Call at the Ryman Auditorium.
All tickets to this wonderful celebration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Looking forward to seeing you at this special night of worship in Music City!
Wow! Incredible night last night with great friends Jon and Angie Tyner and the awesome Worship Choir from Olive Baptist in Pensacola! Recorded all 12 songs in one night for The Miracle of Christmas, arranged by Bradley Knight, David Wise and Cody McVey, to be released by LifeWay in May 2020! Great job to all! Merry Christmas!!!
Great time tonight with awesome friends Brad and Jodi Woods and the choir at Hillcrest Baptist in Pensacola! Did the orientation for the DC Worship Project, coming up next month with Sandi Patty, TaRanda Greene and Travis Cottrell at Kennedy Center. Can’t wait for this extraordinary trip! 425 singers from 12 great churches across America!
Really honored today to hear the news that we are up for a Dove Award for Choral Collection of the Year for The Worship of Christmas!
An incredible honor to partner with the great Bradley Knight and wonderful friend Brent Andrew Dyer and The Worship Choir from Champion Forest Baptist Church on this awesome project!
Thanks to great friend Mike Harland and the terrific folks at LifeWay for the opportunity!
Special thanks also to my writing partner Rebecca Peck for co-writing the songs and the one and only Daewoo Kim for engineering! Merry Christmas everybody!
Oh what a night! The ‘19/‘20 choir ministry season has officially kicked-off! Open enrollment for new members till September 25. Nashville 2020 trip announced by Phil Barfoot and powerful praise and worship! It’s going to be an exciting year!
So grateful to God for the awesome ministry opportunities we had and world-class sightseeing along with incredible fellowship with 165 great folks from four churches across America. Special thanks again to Gary and Ron Matthews, Kevin Price and Randy Woods for bringing their choirs on this great adventure!
On a plane going home after 26 days! Next up…Washington DC for The DC Worship Project with Sandi Patty, Travis Cottrell and TaRanda Greene at Kennedy Center!
Having a blast in Italy with Kevin Price, Gary and Ron Matthews and Randy Woods and their awesome choirs!
Sang for mass at Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Venice on Monday, Tuesday at Sant Andrea, Piazza Della Repubblica in Orvieto, Sang today to a packed house at The Church of Santignazlio of Loyola in Rome!
A bunch of great ministers of music and their folks! The choir is alive and well in Italy!